Post by Alistair MacdonaldAfter a repair job on my laptop I find that the wireless link to my HP
Deskjet 6840 is no longer active. I'm told all that's required is a
re-installation of the Deskjet disc to the laptop. No uninstallation or any
other action required. I don't know why I should be so concerned other than
for some unfortunate experiences in the past. Assurances, or otherwise,
If you are using a disk then you must be using M$ (my condolences).
It may be as simple as playing around with your printers control panel
and setting up a network printer. You just have to know the IP address
of your printer.
As a contrast to what you are going through I'll relate my experiences
setting up an HP CP 2025 as a network printer on my LAN. After the usual
RTFM for the printer I picked an IP address and connected the machine to
my router. First I set up a Mac. I went into the control panel and said
I wanted to install a network printer. It asked me where it was. I typed
in "192.168" then it told me it had found the printer and installed the
drivers. This was less than a minute. The Linux machine was similar. I
had to type in the entire IP address then it went to the net, found the
drivers, installed them, configured them, and asked if I wanted to print
a test page. Again less than a minute. My fathers XP box is also on the
LAN. I took the HP disk upstairs. After five minutes of telling the
program I didn't want to buy any commercial software the install
started. An hour later the installation finished and I was able to print
a test page.
If you are using a newer version of M$ you might be able to get away
with a simpler procedure than the one they want you to go through.